In The News
Employer Awards |
Employers are the cornerstone of our business. The Governor's Committee on Disability Issues and Employment and Washington Vocational Services honor employers in our community each year who illustrate the values of inclusion and diversity.
We were mentioned in this article about the Kitty Catfe in Edmonds. This article highlights the importance of supporting local businesses - not only does your support go to a great cause such as finding homes for kitties in need, but also it helps keep businesses like this open so they can provide opportunities to our customers.
WVS Executive Director, Janet Bruckshen, was featured on the Washington State Combined Fund Drive podcast on December 18, 2018. Skip ahead to the last half of the podcast to hear her talk about how WVS supports individuals with mental health challenges.
Janet Bruckshen, WVS Executive Director, is quoted in the Washington Post in their article focusing on employment for persons with disabilities. Advocates say the labor shortage, coupled with growing openness to workers with mental and physical limitations, has brought record numbers of people with disabilities into the workforce — and it has also pushed employers to adopt more inclusive practices to support the new hires, such as longer and more hands-on training.
Our very own Shannon Goodall, working at Papa Murphy's, was recently featured in a USA Today article. Read on to hear about how WVS supported her and her employer with a mutual winning relationship, resulting in a positive outcome.
Danny Goodisman is featured talking about his placement in his dream job at Boeing!
ATTIC program gives graduates path to employment.